
The Sacrament of the Eucharist: A Holy & Sacred Celebration

The Eucharist is holy, a sacred celebration that brings us into close contact with the holiness of God. In the Eucharist the holiness of God is present to us in a unique way. We are made holy by the very act of participating in the Eucharist. Everything associated with the Eucharist is blessed and holy.

The eucharistic community is holy, as it makes the Lord present in its very gathering and then rejoices in the Lord’s presence in the Eucharist. By receiving the Body and Blood of the Lord, we become one body, a holy offering to the Father for the salvation of the world.

The priest is holy, for through his prayer in our name, the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Through him the sacrificial offering is made, and the community is united as one holy family.

The place in which we gather is holy, because the church building is consecrated to the worship of God and the service of the community.

The day of the Lord is holy, because the followers of Jesus have been called to keep Sunday a special day of eucharistic prayer and rest in the name of the Lord.