28th April 2019

LowerCreggan Parish

St Michael’s Church, Newtownhamilton

St Oliver’s Church, Dorsey

St Patrick’s Church, Cullyhanna

Divine Mercy and Doubting Thomas

Having doubts is part of life – will I succeed / fail, can I cope with today / tomorrow, how will I pay the bills, will the children be alright, will I get better from my illness, can I carry on following the death of a family member? We can also have doubts about forgiveness and mercy. Can I be forgiven for all the hurts I have caused to my family, my friends, my neighbour, and for all the times I have let myself down?

Doubts are very real and are very painful. There is no quick solution to many doubts. It is not easy to trust when pain is all around. However, doubts can be managed by trusting in God. It is always possible to take a moment aside and pray – Father I am in doubt of your forgiveness and my own ability to cope. Help me to trust that your strength is greater than any obstacle. Help me to see light at the end of my personal dark tunnel. My Lord and my God.

SAT 27th  April   9am Mass 6.30pm Mass
SUN 28th  
Mickey Keenan. Frank &
Elizabeth &
Stanley Bellew. Elizabeth &
John & Maura Hearty & DM of Hearty &
10am Bridie
MON 29th      
8pm Mass
TUES 30th   
9am Mass
WED 1st May  9.30am Mass
THUR  2nd May  9am Mass
FRI 3rd May  9am Mass
SAT 4th May  9am Mass 6.30pm Mass
Steven O’Hare.
SUN 5th   May 11.30am  
Mickey Hearty. May McCreesh. Alice Bellew.
Brendan McConville. James
Loughran. Rose & James
Eamon &
Sylvia Martin & DM. Peter,
Anne, Francis & Brian O’Neill & DM.
10am For the

Recently deceased:  Louise Jenkinson, Paddy Carragher, Claire Fagan,

Mary Smyth, Terence Murphy & Fr Brian McGrath.

Sunday 21st April:    Weekly collection £1805.81 &  €331.95.

Notice: There will be NO Masses Mon 6th May – Fri 10th May.

Children’s Liturgy Group: There will be NO Liturgy group on Sun 5th May.  It will resume again on Sun 12th May.

Mary’s Meals: Collection will be held THIS WEEKEND 27th & 28th April.


 Sun 5th May: Claire Savage      Sun 12th May: Dymphna Largey

Eucharistic Ministers Cullyhanna

Sun 5th May: Elizabeth McCreesh & Marie Rushe 

Sun 12th May: Alica Griffin & Pattie Treanor

Altar Society for month of May: Kathleen Loye


Readers for St Oliver’s:

Sat 4th May: Mary Johnston

Sat 11th May: Caroline Donnelly

Eucharistic Minister for St Oliver’s:

Sat 4th May: Peter McGeown

Sat 11th May: Noel Mackin

Altar Society for month of April:     Sue O’Hare

Dates of Blessing of Graves:

St Patrick’s Church – Sun 26th May @ 11.30am

St Michael’s Church – Sun 2nd June @ 10am

NOTICE: There will be no bulletin on weekends of 11th/12th May & 18th/19th May. There will be no mass in Dorsey (6.30pm) on 18th May and no mass in NTH Mass on (10am) Sun 19th May.


St Patrick’s GFC Lotto results:      8, 10, 17 & 32

In extract from Archbishop Eamon’s homily at the Chrism Mass in Armagh cathedral on Wednesday night past –  In his recent message to young people, Christus Vivit, “Christ is alive”, Pope Francis encourages adults, as they grow older, not to lose the joy of their youthful enthusiasm and openness to an ever greater reality”.  Pope Francis described how, when he began his ministry as Pope, the Lord broadened his horizons and granted him renewed youth.  It was as if he got renewed joy in his heart, a new spring in his step! He said the same thing can happen to a couple married for many years, or to a monk in the monastery – “growth in maturity can coexist with a fire constantly rekindled, with a heart ever young”.

Parish Web Site: We welcome you to view our new Parish Web site. Please log on to www.Lowercregganparish.com. All the latest from the Parish will be available for viewing.

Baptism: Please register your child for Baptism with the Parish Secretary during office hours. Parents will then be invited to attend a meeting which will advise them about important details regarding the Baptism Ceremony.

Vocations Retreat: Are you longing for something more in your life, Is God calling you to live your life as a priest, or perhaps you are uncertain, but would like to learn more? Then please visit Sat 18th & Sun 19th May in St Patrick’s College, Maynooth or for more info infovocations.ie

St Oliver’s Primary School – Carrickrovaddy:St Oliver’s School Council will be hosting a Book & Bun Sale in the School Assembly Hall on Friday 3rd May 2019 1pm – 3pm.  Everyone Welcome.

Silverbridge Senior Citizen’s & Special Needs Association:

Monthly function on Fri 3rd May.

Office contact details on 30861235 Mon-Fri 9.30am-12.30pm or via email Lowercregganparish@hotmail.com or Fr Tremer on pplowercreggan@gmail.com