As we will not be travelling to Lourdes this year the following programme will be broadcast live from St. Patrick’s Parish Dundalk on their parish facebook.
Thursday 7th May: 12 noon Words of welcome by Fr. Mark and opening Mass
Friday 8th May: 12 noon Mass of Bernadette.
Cardinal O’ Fiaich will be remembered during this Mass
Blessing of Hands will be included.
Celebrant Bishop Michael
Torch light procession 7pm
Saturday 9th May: 12 noon Healing Mass
3:00pm Rosary from Grotto, Dominican Church Dundalk
Sunday 10th May: 12 noon Mass
5pm Stations of the Cross
Monday 11th May: 12 noon Grotto Mass
Celebrant Archbishop Eamon
Tuesday 12th May: 12 noon Holy Hour and final words by Fr. Mark
All Masses will be offered up for those who have travelled to Lourdes with the Diocesan Pilgrimage throughout the years and for all our deceased pilgrims and volunteers
After each Mass a decade of the Rosary will be said.
An email account has been set up if anyone wishes to send in petitions which will then be printed off and placed in front of the Altar during the 5 days. ON Tuesday the 11th of May this account will then be deleted.