Bulletin 21 July 2019

Lower Creggan Parish

Sunday 21st July 2019

St Michael’s Church, Newtownhamilton

St Oliver’s Church, Dorsey

St Patrick’s Church, Cullyhanna

The artist Rublev composed a drawing called “The Trinity” based on the first reading today. Abraham saw three men standing near him and a meal was prepared for them. Notice in the drawing there is room at the table for another guest – this is done deliberately! Each of us is invited to join in the celebration and be nourished. Only this time the meal is our Mass and we are invited into friendship with God throughout our lives. This is what religion is about – friendship with God. The readings at all masses and all of our church guidelines are repeating the invitation to enter into the flow of love from God to each of us. It is good to pause each day and say – thank you Jesus for offering friendship – help me to recognise this great privilege and fill my life with an abundance of joy. 

Prayer for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day:

Gracious God, we ask you to bless especially your children who have grown old. When they can no longer care for themselves, send them loving caretakers who appreciate their wisdom and the richness of their experience. Send your angels to keep them safe as long as they live and to lead them home to you when their work is done. Bless the families of the elderly with insight and good judgment. Send your Holy Spirit to help them make wise decisions and grant them the patience to care for those who once cared for them.  We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

St Patrick’s GFC LOTTO results:     1, 16, 21 & 29

Confessions: Will take place in the three churches Sat 27th July. St Michael’s @ 12pm, St Oliver’s @ 12.30pm & St Patrick’s @ 1pm.

Sunday choir:  will resume again in Sept.

Rural Health Partnership:  Hopeful minds Retreat Day, Wednesday 31st July @ 10am – 3pm, Bluebell Lane, Mullaghbawn Admission £10 contact Rural Health Partnership on 02830861220


Sunday 28thJuly:  Pattie Treanor     Sunday 4th Aug: Detty Reel

Eucharistic Ministers Cullyhanna:

Sunday 28th July:  Alica Griffin & Pattie Treanor

Sunday 4th Aug:  Marie Rushe & Marie Duffy

Altar Society for month of July:   Margaret Murphy & Jackie Connell

DORSEY Readers:

Sat 27th July: Joanne Murphy       Sat 3rd Aug:   Mary Johnston

Eucharistic Ministers for St Oliver’s:

Sat 27th July: Brendan Johnston   Sat 3rd Aug: Margaret Walsh

Altar Society for month of July:     Margarita Quinn

Bible Reflections:  Continues this Wed 24th July @ 7.30pm in Cullyhanna Parochial House.

The Episcopal Ordination of Fr Michael Router will take place in Armagh Cathedral today. Please keep Fr Michael Router in your prayers.

WALD Centre:  Couch 2 10k Bike ride: Every Tuesday @ 7.30pm. Suitable for those who have not been on a bike in a while.

Theology Course:  If you are interested in finding out more about the up and coming theology course please contact Maura Conlon or Fr Tremer for further information.

Divine Mercy/Our Lady of Knock Prayer Group: would like to Thank sincerely all who helped out, or attended the Mass offered by Fr Peter Prusakiewicz CSMA on Friday 12th July 2019 in St Patrick’s Cullyhanna.  The weekly Thursday night Prayer Group meeting will resume in Mid- September 2019

Eucharistic Adoration St Patrick’s Cullyhanna:  Wednesday morning Adoration has now ceased for the summer it will resume in Mid-September 2019.  Monday evening, Eucharistic Adoration will continue as normal commencing at 6.50pm through to 7.50pm.  Please consider coming to spend an hour with Jesus and participate in the public recitation of the Holy Rosary, which commences approximately 7.35pm. 


SAT 20th July                

NTH 9am Mass

DORSEY 6.30pm Mass

Barry Loughran.

Ellen Garvey & DM.

Brigid & Tommy Quinn.

Eugene Casey & DM.

SUN 21st   July    

Newtownhamilton 10am

Josephine O’Keeffe.      

Cullyhanna 11.30am

Eugene McArdle.

Mary O’Neill.

May & Charlie Brennan.

Fr Tommy, Olly & Margaret Feighan & DM.        

MON 22nd   July  8pm Mass

 Rosemary & Gerard Murray & DM of Campbell family.

TUES 23rd  July   9am Mass

WED 24th July     NO 9.30am Mass

THUR 25th July   9am Mass

FRI 26th July        9am Mass  

SAT 27th July      9am Mass

Dorsey 6.30pm Mass

For the People.

SUN 28th  July    

Newtownhamilton 10am Mass

For the People.

Cullyhanna 11.30am Mass

Hughie Largey. 

Rosaleen & Charles Hughes & DM.   

Recently deceased:  Maura McDermot-Roe (nee Sheridan), John Mullan, England, Teresa Frankfurter (nee McMahon) & Patsy McShane.

Office contact details on 30861235 Mon-Fri 9.30am-12.30pm or via email Lowercregganparish@hotmail.com or Fr Tremer on pplowercreggan@gmail.com  Parish Web Site:  Lowercregganparish.com