Bulletin 30th June 2019
Lower Creggan Parish
Sunday 30th June 2019
St Michael’s Church, Newtownhamilton
St Oliver’s Church, Dorsey
St Patrick’s Church, Cullyhanna
Social Media often sends me an invite to follow someone, or a group, or an organisation. Then I have the option to – respond immediately or hesitate or reply definitely no! It’s almost as if I must follow someone otherwise I am losing out and I will be at the bottom of the popularity league !! Some might even go as far as to ask that if I am not a follower – with many followers – then who am I ? The gospel invites us to follow – not in competition with others – but to follow Jesus who loves us just for the person we are and not who others want us to be!! Will I walk with him or not ?

Prayer for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day:
Gracious God, we ask you to bless especially your children who have grown old. When they can no longer care for themselves, send them loving caretakers who appreciate their wisdom and the richness of their experience. Send your angels to keep them safe as long as they live and to lead them home to you when their work is done. Bless the families of the elderly with insight and good judgment. Send your Holy Spirit to help them make wise decisions and grant them the patience to care for those who once cared for them. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St Patrick’s GFC LOTTO results: 3, 9, 14 & 31
KNOCK: Overnight trip to Knock Wed 10th July staying in Knock house Hotel. Full Board £100. Bus £20 stg. To book contact Eileen 30861581/00353879478132.
Confessions: Will take place in the three churches Sat 27th July. St Michael’s @ 12pm, St Oliver’s @ 12.30pm & St Patrick’s @ 1pm.
See parish web site for a new ST OLIVER PLUNKETT NOVENA – 1st to 9th July 2019.
Office contact details on 30861235 Mon-Fri 9.30am-12.30pm or via email Lowercregganparish@hotmail.com or Fr Tremer on pplowercreggan@gmail.com Parish Web Site: Lowercregganparish.com
Sunday 7th July: Dymphna Largey Sunday 14th July: Maura Conlon
Eucharistic Ministers Cullyhanna:
Sunday 7th July: Elizabeth McCreesh & Maurita Murray
Sunday 14th July: Kathleen Loye & Siobhan Casey
Altar Society for month of July: Margaret Murphy & Jackie Connell
DORSEY Readers:
Sat 6th July: Mary Johnston Sat 13th July: Caroline Donnelly
Eucharistic Minister for St Oliver’s:
Sat 6th July: Noel Mackin Sat 13th July: Eileen Mackin
Altar Society for month of July: Margarita Quinn
Next Friday is the First Friday. Housebound will be attended as follows:
MONDAY – Cullyhanna TUESDAY – NTH & DORSEY After 11am both days.
Bible Reflections: Will take place in Cullyhanna Parochial House Wed 3rd July @ 7.30pm, Wed 10th July @ 7.30pm and Wed 17th July @ 8pm. All welcome.
The Apostolic Society would like to thank every who gave to the collection on Sunday last, they collected £722.38 and €189.54. All monies go to the Missions.
WALD Centre: Couch 2 10k Bike ride: Every Tuesday @ 7.30pm. Suitable for those who have not been on a bike in a while.
Newtownhamilton Community Centre: Forms in opposition of the removal of our Breast Screening Services at Craigavon area Hospital will be in the Centre on Tues 2nd July 5pm-8pm. Please support this vital service.
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF PLAN: A pilgrim walk will take place to honour the 350th Anniversary of the Appointment of St Oliver Plunkett to the See of Armagh in 1669. The walk is also in preparation for the unveiling of a new statue of St Oliver to be unveiled on July 9th in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh. The Walk will begin at St Peter’s Church, Drogheda the home of St Oliver’s precious relic on Sunday 7th July at 11am and finish at St Patrick’s Cathedral on the evening of Tuesday July 9th. There has been a slight change of plans for our section of the pilgrim walk. We will receive the relic at the Silverbridge end of the Legmoylin Road (beside Donnelly’s shop) approx 5pm instead of near Garvey’s restaurant. We will then carry the relic to the Drumalt Road, Bond’s Road and stop at the site of Blykes Inn. There will be a short prayer service before we continue our pilgrim walk (approx. 3 miles) to St Oliver’s Church in Dorsey for mass at 8pm.
Tuesday 9th July 11.30am St Oliver’s Church, Dorsey, Lough Road, Coach Road 1.30pm St. Michael’s Church, Newtownhamilton (approx. 5 miles) – Pause for Prayer – (Change over to the next parish). Safety Personnel and escort cars will be in attendance along the journey.
SAT 29th June
NTH – 9am Mass
DORSEY 6.30pm Mass – Mick Mackin & DM.
SUN 30th June
NTH 10am – Kathleen McGinn.
Jimmy Doran.
Tommy & Jem Rooney & DM.
Michael Brannigan & Mary Smyth
MON 1st July 8pm Mass
John & Kathleen Fitzpatrick.
Patrick, Rose & Mary McMahon.
TUES 2nd July – 9am Mass
3rd July 9.30am Mass
4th July 9am Mass
FRI 5th July 9am Mass
SAT 6th July
NTH 9am Mass – John Traynor
Dorsey 6.30pm – Mass For the People.
SUN 7th July
NTH 10am – Marjorie Kelly MM.
Cullyhanna – 11.30am
Teresa O’Hare.
Annie Casey.
Christy Mackin.
Tommy O’Hanlon & DM.
DM of The Enwright Family.
Recently deceased: Noel Loughran (Oram), May Quinn, John Kennon, Kathleen Montin, Paddy Clarke & Marjorie Kelly.