Let’s talk family
Let’s talk Family!
In preparation for this Advent Season the Pastoral Team in the Archdiocese of Armagh would like to invite you to join them in a conversation around the joys and challenges of Family life in today’s church and society via Zoom.
The Programme is free to all participants. Registration is essential and places are limited. Participants are required to provide a valid email address for the zoom link and a contact telephone number. To register contact Milanda at: milanda@parishandfamily.ie. The closing date for registration is Monday 15th November.
The Sessions start at 7pm and conclude at 8.30pm, the topics and dates are as follows;
Session 1: God’s Dream for Love—18th November
Session 2: Married Love Growing to Maturity -25th November
Session 3: God’s Mercy—No one Excluded – 2nd December
Session 4: A Gospel of Hope for our Families— 9th December