Mass in St Michael’s Church, Newtownhamilton
I am pleased to announce that Mass will restart in St Michael’s Church, Newtownhamilton, on Sunday 20th September at 10am. Due to social distancing we can only allow approximately 30 people into the church. However, we have recently installed outside speakers so people can join in Mass while remaining in the graveyard. The volume of the speakers will also reach parts of the main road for those in their cars. There will be a one-way system in the church and you are reminded to sanitise your hands as you enter and leave the church. My thanks to all those who kindly volunteered to be stewards and cleaners.
Weekday masses will remain in St Patrick’s Church, Cullyhanna, as many more people can join in mass via live streaming.
I hope to re-open St Oliver’s Church in Dorsey in the very near future.