New Restrictions
As a result of a recent meeting of Bishops in NI we have received the following advice: –
No-one is allowed in the church during ceremonies except for funerals, weddings and baptisms – the current restrictions with regard to numbers attending will apply.
All masses will be celebrated in St Patrick’s Church, Cullyhanna only and will be live-streamed over the internet – Mass Intentions for Dorsey and Newtownhamilton will be announced in Cullyhanna Church.
The Rosary and Night Prayer will be recited as usual but again we cannot have people in the church while we celebrate these prayers.
From Monday 11th January 2021 we will recommence Praying with the Bible at 11am and the Angelus at 12noon. We will continue these prayer services on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Please do not come to the car park at normal Mass times as the outside speakers will not be switched on, nor will Holy Communion be distributed outside the church.
The churches will be open for private prayer outside of the times of ceremonies.
We can all look forward to better times ahead – in the meantime let’s all do what we can to prevent the transmission of the virus.
Please remember in your prayers all who are sick and the medical teams and carers who look after us when we are ill.