Bulletin Sunday 11th August 2019

When the cat is away – the mice will play! When the boss / parent is away it can be tempting to do something which we would not normally do in their presence. If, in the past, we have given in to temptation then we have abused the trust and hope placed upon us. We let ourselves down and we disappoint others. God is invisible and seems to be absent so it feels as if we can do anything we like and ignore the consequences. Wrong ! Every action is accountable even if we feel we have escaped being caught. We shape our lives by the things we do or choose not to do. So, what’s it to be? Can we be trusted with the privilege of being a Catholic or do we pick at our religious practice as if reading a menu in a restaurant?

Triduum in honour of Divine Mercy:

Wednesday 11th Sept, Thurs 12th Sept & Fri 13th Sept @ 7.30pm.

Notice: We will be having a parish Mission in March 2020 next year.  Details to follow in due course.

St Patrick’s GFC LOTTO results:     13, 14, 19 & 31

Sunday choir:  will resume again in Sept.

Blessing of Schoolbags: Will take place at all masses on Sat 31st Aug in Dorsey @ 6.30pm and Sun 1st Sept in NTH @ 10am and Cullyhanna @ 11.30am.

Mary’s Meals Collection:  Collection will take place on Sat 7th & Sun 8th Sept. If anyone could maybe buy an extra packet of pencils, books etc to help this charity it would mean so much to them as they themselves prepare for School.

Cregganduff Handball Alley:  Annual Fundraiser in Memory of Mìceal Murphy takes place on Saturday 24th August with Children’s Tractor Run at 2.30pm and Adults Tractor Run at 4pm.  Sunday 25th August the Handball Alley Tournament will be held starting at 10 am.  This year’s nominated Charities are Cancer Fund for Children and Newry Hospice.  Please come and support us.

Last week’s envelope collection total:   £1025.32 &  €250.45. 

Thank you for your continued support.


Sunday 18th Aug:  Marie Dolan     Sunday 25th Aug: Dymphna Largey

Eucharistic Ministers Cullyhanna:

Sunday 18th Aug:  Kathleen Loye & Siobhan Casey

Sunday 25th Aug:  Marie Rushe & Elizabeth McCreesh

DORSEY Readers:

Sat 17th Aug: Linda Fee   Sat 24thAug:   Joanne Murphy

Eucharistic Ministers for St Oliver’s:

Sat 17th Aug: Peter McGeown     Sat 24th Aug: Noel Mackin

Altar Society for month of August:     Jacinta Reel & Catriona McCreesh

Bible Reflections:  Continues Wed 21st Aug @ 8pm in Cullyhanna Parochial House.

Feast of the Assumption:   Wed 14th Aug Vigil mass in Dorsey @ 7.30pm and Thurs 15th Aug Cullyhanna 10am.

                             (Note no 9am mass in Cullyhanna).

Children’s Liturgy Group:    Resumes again on SUN 8th Sept.

Theology Course:  If you are interested in finding out more about the up and coming theology course please contact Maura Conlon or Fr Tremer for further information.

Eucharistic Adoration St Patrick’s Cullyhanna:  Wednesday morning Adoration has now ceased for the summer it will resume in Mid-September 2019.  Monday evening, Eucharistic Adoration will continue as normal commencing at 6.50pm through to 7.50pm.  Please consider coming to spend an hour with Jesus and participate in the public recitation of the Holy Rosary, which commences approximately 7.35pm. 

Notice: We would like to advise you all that in Cullyhanna Church we will be upgrading the heating system, new flooring in 3 porches of the church & the Bell tower.  We will also be improving steps at front door of church and new carpet around the Sanctuary area only.

Newtownhamilton Church: Outside toilet will be painted and new flooring fitted.

Dorsey Church is now fully completed.


SAT 10th Aug              

NTH 9am Mass

DORSEY 6.30pm Mass – Nan McGlade.

SUN 11th Aug    

NTH – 10am Molly Quinn

Cullyhanna 11.30am

Terry & Robina Loye.

May, Vincent & Peter Casey.

Gerard & Margaret Quinn.

DM of McCreesh & Quinn Families. 

MON 12th Aug    8pm Mass

TUES 13th Aug   9am Mass

WED 14th Aug – NTH 9.30am Mass

Feast of the Assumption Vigil Mass 7.30pm in Dorsey –  Martin McCreesh

Feast of the Assumption

THUR 15th Aug CULLYHANNA 10am Mass ( No 9am Mass in Cullyhanna )

FRI 16th Aug      9am Mass  

SAT 17th Aug              

NTH 9am Mass

Dorsey        6.30pm Mass – Peter McKeever

SUN 18th Aug    

NTH 10am Mass Francie Rushe, Sarah Morgan.

Harry & Rosaleen Davidson.

11.30am Mass – Sean Rowland & DM.        

Office contact details on 30861235 Mon-Fri 9.30am-12.30pm or via email Lowercregganparish@hotmail.com or Fr Tremer on pplowercreggan@gmail.com  Parish Web Site:  Lowercregganparish.com

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